How Much Sleep Does My Parrot Need? More Than You Think! (Do's & Don'ts To Remember)

Just as sleep is important for people like you and me, it’s also important for parrots. Failure to get enough shut-eye can result in mood changes, weakened immune systems, lack of energy, and it can make them more susceptible to disease and illness.
So, how much sleep should your parrot receive on a daily, or nightly, basis? Keep reading and we’ll take a closer look at this problem.
Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to determine exactly how much sleep your parrot needs, as all birds have different requirements. Some parrots may require 10 hours of sleep each night, while others may only need 6.
A general rule of thumb is to try and give your parrot a similar sleep schedule they would have in the wild. Once you know how birds sleep, mimicking these conditions inside your home where they live will help to create a balanced schedule that should naturally align with their internal clock.
For instance, parrots native to the equator region see 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of dark each day; therefore, you should try to give them 12 hours of sleep. Of course, the further away from the equator you go, the less sunlight there is during the day.
It’s also effective to stick to a sleeping schedule that your pet parrot will grow accustomed to. A positively reinforced schedule will improve your parrot’s overall health so stay consistent with the timings that have been set, as explained here.
A good timer will also help keep you in check in case of times that you might get preoccupied. Although there also has to be room for flexibility especially on untimed socializations and late night agendas.

So how do you know if your pet parrot has not had enough sleep? They become most likely cranky and establish nippiness so it's best to keep a good eye on your parrot’s behavior and consider the possible factors or their surroundings in case anything goes wrong.
This slightly negative behavior only goes to show how important a good night’s sleep is for your pet parrot as it is directly associated with their health and attitude. If there is no problem seen, then there most likely wouldn't be any changes if your pet parrot is just feeling great and is easy to get along with. You can give them morning and afternoon naps which will add to more of their health secured.
Tips For Getting Your Parrot To Fall Asleep
Some owners may have trouble getting their parrots to go to sleep at night. Even if you turn off all the lights, televisions and remove any remaining distractions, your parrot may simply stay awake in their cage.
Even if you decide to turn off the lights and just tip toe your way through your house, your pet parrot would still be up anyway and they might even have the impression that you are a thief in the night. This creates problematic scenario for owners trying to give their parrots the sleep their bodies need.
The good news, however, is that there are certain things owners can do to encourage their parrot to go to sleep.
Parrots are finicky creatures with their own unique personalities. It’s not uncommon for some of them to anxiously stay away through the night if they are placed in a cage. Instead of taking your parrot out of the cage, try covering the top of it with a large blanket. Doing so will help to block the light and create a more secure feeling while inside, all of which should contribute to a better night’s sleep.
Some owners even go one step further by placing their parrot in a separate smaller cage and placed in a dimmed and private room to sleep in at night. This typically isn’t necessary unless your parrot simply refuses to fall asleep in their current cage. Since their hearing is much better than ours, an enclosed room will help give them a good night’s sleep peacefully and privately. Before you rush out and buy another smaller cage, try covering their current cage at night to see if it helps.
We hope this article focused on your parrot’s sleep has been informative and helpful. As much as we humans need our rest to re-energize, our pet parrots need them as much as well. A chronic lack of sleep will only do bad to your pet parrots health, which might lead them to biting or excessive shouting. Parrots are positively adaptable so with the right amount of light and dark, they will have the perfect sleeping pattern.
It’s easy for me to put my Bird to sleep .. all I do is face her with my eyes closed for 2-3 minutes.
She is cute and adorable : ) she does the same , closes her eyes and fall asleep !