Timneh vs Congo African Grey - Key Differences Between These Parrots (Personality, Lifespan & More)

African Greys are often viewed as one of the most intelligent species of parrots in the world. With minimal training, owners can teach them a wide variety of words and phrases.

It's little-known fact, however, that there actually two different subspecies of African Greys: the Congo African grey (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) and Timneh African grey (Psittacus erithacus timneh).

Although they share some similarities, the Congo and Timneh African Grey are two different subspecies with their own unique characteristics.

If you're thinking about adopting an African grey, you should familiarize yourself with the differences between the Congo and Timneh. Congos have long been a favorite among seasoned bird handlers and lovers; however, the more docile nature of the Timneh parrot makes them a preferred choice among first-time parrot owners and families.

It's important to note that each and every parrot will possess its own unique personality, which you'll need to take into account before investing in their African Grey parrot cage. Don't assume that all Congo or Timneh parrots will exhibit the same behavior, because this simply isn't true. Parrots develop their own characteristics as they grow and develop.

The Congo African Grey can be found in Kenya, Tanzania and Southeastern Ivory Coast. They are also generally more abundant as household pets in contrary to the Timneh African Greys.

Congo African Greys are slightly taller than the Timneh African Grey with a beak-to-tail length of 13 to 16 inches and also possessing a solid black beak. With an average lifespan of 40 to 50 years, they possess a high level of energy and are more highly intelligent with a fun-loving personality. Congo African Greys are heavier than that of the Timneh African grey, with an average adult weight of 400 to 500 grams. Feather wise, they possess a bright fiery red to orange tail color, making them known as the “Red-tailed Grey”.

Generally, Congo African Greys start to utter one to two words at six months but they fully develop stringing words and chatter until after their first birthday.

However, Congo African Greys are known to be the more talented one as they do not only imitate words but they also have the capability imitate voices. They are also known to decide when to change their human bonds, making it a little heartbreaking for caregivers who have grown to love their Congo African Greys.

The Timneh African Grey:

The Timneh African Grey can be found through Southern Guinea and on the western edge of the Ivory Coast along the smaller regions. These kinds of African Greys tend to be more relaxed and generally can start putting words together even at a younger age. They can start uttering words as early as approximately six months, also six months sooner compared to Congo African Greys, with no variety in its voice.

Timneh African Greys have an average lifespan of 40 to 50 years and also possess a highly intelligent and fun-loving personality, same as that of the Congo African Grey. However, they are more docile with an easy-going nature.

Timneh African Greys weigh slightly less at only 275 to 375 grams. They also have a slightly darker beak than its counterpart, the Congo African Grey, with a horn colored upper beak and smoky colored bottom beak.

Feather wise, a Timneh African Grey possesses darker, maroon-colored tail feathers. Baby Timneh African Greys colors can be dark gray with no hint of maroon but they are typically maroon-brown.

These subspecies are known to be more laid back and are less prone to pluck or become phobic in comparison to Congo African Greys. Timneh African Greys are also capable of adding multiple human bonds during its development even at various times.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, there are subtle nuances between the Congo and Timneh African grey, including their size, coloring and disposition. However, these differences are minor at best and won't play a significant role in their overall behavior.

When choosing a parrot species to adopt, consider their needs and whether or not your home is a suitable fit. We've discussed in a previous article how to transition your parrot to a new cage or a new home.

African greys -- both the Congo and Timneh -- are intelligent, fun-loving animals that crave their owner's attention. Make sure you are willing to invest both your time and energy into providing a healthy, stimulating environment for your parrot.

Far too many individuals make the hasty decision to adopt a parrot without taking into account the unique needs of the respective species and how long their parrot can live.

Do you prefer the Congo or Timneh African grey? Let us know in the comments section below!

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  • Cracker is a very sweet girl and shes never biten no one in my family she’s only biten my dog Layla because she was playing with cracker to rough

    Cracker on
  • I got my Temneh parrot named Grace at 5 months old. She talked within a week. Sh is loving and adorable. We kiss and hug every night. She has had an enormous amount of attention from me! We are inseparable! I can’t believe that a Temneh parrot could be so loving…but that is who I am and she blends right in. I have had her 22 years! What a joy to my life she is. She still lays eggs. The vet did not know why, but she is healthy!

    Marilyn CroninLindauer on
  • I purchased a 4 yrs (according to the last owner) old Timneh Grey,I did the dna sex test which showed she was a female,I am her third owner,the person I got her from said she was giving her up so she can go into an assisted type living arrangement,the birds name is Macy,she don’t respond to it but I still use it,the only sounds she made when I got her were a lot of various whistle tunes,this is the 6th month I have had her and after playing a parrot talking cd slit of times she is catching a few words roughly though,she is kinda like me as she likes to mumble unintelligible words,and she can get aggressive sometimes,and that is when I give her space and as I am retired I have a lot of time to kill,so I think we will sooner or later bond.

    Joe on
  • I have a male Timneh Parrot which I have hand reared from 4 weeks old. His name is Pikkie and he speaks in both my and my husbands voices. He has conversations sounding so much like us that our children think it us talking. He is extremely intelligent and we love him dearly.

    Jenny Le Grange on
  • My uncle was moving so he left me his Timneh “Popeye” in August. Popeye is 5 years old, initially when I received him he hadn’t been held by anyone. Now he goes with me, he loves showers, he enjoys being outside. He talks a lot too, and when he’s so excited to talk and can’t express himself he starts saying “gobble-gobble” which is cute. I really love African Grey Timneh. Popeye is slowly starting to be friendly.

    Tiffany on

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